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以時易「實習」計劃技能提升活動 - 『製作一份「好」履歷』工作坊 (SDU x Websume)


文字是「活」的,在求職過程中,有很多求職者非但沒有讓文字幫助自已,反而暴露出自己的缺點,包括邏輯混亂、詞不達意,言詞誇大。在邁向數碼年代,履歷也同步數碼化,文字力量已經慢慢淡化,圖片、 聲音、影像是不可缺少的。有見及此,CityU SCOPE 與 Websume在2022年4月6日舉辦了『製作一份「好」履歷』工作坊 (Create a “shining” résumé),協助學生製作出「高命中率」的履歷,提升獲聘機會。

以時易「實習」計劃 (Time Exchange for Internship” Scheme) 由CityU SCOPE 與 Websume 合辦,旨在協助 CityU SCOPE 學生提升就業能力,滿足未來職場期望。 



TONG Lai Lam
BA (Hons) Accounting, Edinburgh Napier University


BA (Hons) English for International Corporate Communication, University of Central Lancashire

Create a “shining” résumé Workshop provided me with a different perspective on why a resume is written. Previously, I would simply take the approach to list out my qualifications and work experience without an eye-catching structure. Attending the workshop made me realize that I should be writing my resume from the potential employer’s perspective to fit for a specific position. Also, the workshop has helped me better understand how to structure my valuable experience and avoid errors when writing a resume. Moreover, the in-depth tutorial on using Websume to build a professional resume was very beneficial. Websume’s tools include essential and unique features that can help undergraduate students to create a professional resume to increase their chances of receiving an offer. The workshop provided valuable skills and perspectives to create a successful resume. I highly recommend students to join workshops like these to start early and increase their employability.