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Future Intelligence Ready Skills Training (FIRST)

FIRST is an enabler programme specifically focused on Core Future Skills to proactively prepare our students of 2022 cohort to be “future ready and competent” generation for embracing the new digital era.
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CityU SCOPE organizes customized training programmes, including seminars, workshops and courses, for the business sector, NGOs, and government departments, to support their human resources development and sustainable growth.
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The programme has given me incredible insights into the field of business management. Especially this programme is characterized by its flexibility to allow us to have an in-depth study either in Marketing or Human Resources Management, which are particularly useful for my careers. I am very keen to apply the acquired knowledge at a practical level. During these two years, I also had the chance to enroll in exclusive online courses which helped us use authentic English for social interactions in various real-life situations and improve our written and spoken English skills for effective workplace communication. I am very grateful for all of the learning opportunities. With the knowledge and skills that I have acquired, I are confident to embark on a new chapter in my career incorporating the principles of sustainability into work.

The teachers are so experienced, and they help us understand the consistence of the industrial environments in both UK and HK. We obtained the basic knowledge and principles from the UK lecturers while the sharing by the local tutors is very useful.
I treasure so much the literature reviews and other resources that I had researched from the libraries of the UoW and CityU.

The conversion course in Summer tailor-made for the students of semi-cognate entry route had enriched my basic understanding in construction technology and management. It helps me a lot in my studies after the commencement of academic year.
The UK Professors taught us the principle concepts during the intensive week in the “Fly-in” lectures. Even though the schedule is tight, I could learn better by absorbing new information in such high concentration.

Through this programme, the basic knowledge of construction, contracts, estimation, measuring techniques and management skills were taught, which a master’s degree may not be able to offer such practical knowledge to me. Not only with theoretical lectures taught by the UK side, practical tutorials were also given by HK teachers with enthusiasm. Persistence and determination are also a remarkable achievement I gained from this programme.
With a wide range of recognition by various professional institution bodies, my next milestone will be a chartered quantity surveyor. Many thanks to all the achievements rewarded from these 18 months and am looking forward to pursuing my next goal.

Time flies!
Over the last two years, I gave myself a challenge on studying for a bachelor’s degree. After doing some research, I found a programme that appeared to be suitable for me, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Quantity Surveying organized and partnered by the University of Wolverhampton, U.K. and CityU SCOPE. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the module leaders, tutors, supervisors, and course administrators for their support, valuable advice, guidance, influence, and inspiration to me.
Looking back, it’s all worth it!

For the construction management course which include the theories as well as the real case of the construction project like the case of claims for case study. It provide a full picture for how the workplace is and practical for student well preparing before facing the similar case in actual situation which drive to a better decision making. The real case study and experience shared by professors in this course also equip students with sufficient knowledge and experience during examinations for gaining professional qualifications. It may be vital and useful in construction industry.
Also, the warm help and support with HK tutor make my study become more smooth especially during the progress of dissertation. I would like to give a big thanks to their support.

回想一下修讀這個課程的點滴,時間過得真快,特別是在交功課的最後限期前,時間總覺得不夠用。還好有導師授課時做下的筆記可作參考,也有同組學員互相交流心得。 能修畢這個課程,首先謝謝香港和英國的導師們,無論是教案和相關資料都預備得十分充足,疫情期間雖然改為網課,但透過視像也能感受到導師們對敎學的熱誠和投入,這都有助同學們儘快適應。

Marketing is an interesting and practical subject for people who admire sales and love to tackle business problems. The curriculum setting of the Marketing Management programme at CityU SCOPE systematically leads me to learn marketing theories and put them into practice through teamwork. CityU SCOPE Marketing Management teachers are all resourceful and professional, given their rich careers in marketing industry, and active consulting practice, and lots of contacts in the sector.

課程內容實用並緊貼市場趨勢,除了品牌管理及數碼營銷方案外,更設有與領導力相關學科,不但提升了我的市場營銷管理知識及商業觸覺, 使我能制定更有效,更到位的營銷策略,同時培養軟實力,讓工作事半功倍。

I am really appreciated that the design of course structure was proceeded in orderly way and advance step by step that could not only help me acquire knowledge from marketing theories to practical situations in an effective way but also good for enhance my confidence of continuous learning.Finally, I feel honored and privileged to be invited to an awardee of ENU’s Scholarship. Such recognition had undoubtedly been a huge encouragement motivated me to keep striving for greater improvement and excellence in my future studies and career paths.

This program has helped me a lot in my career development, and improved my marketing management knowledge, such as the digital marketing skills to close for the time trend. Which could increase my competitiveness.
Especially thank you for all the lecturers of the CityU Scope and Edinburgh Napier University, they provide the professional marketing knowledge, to make the student easy to learn and use.
In the future, I will have greater confidence for the marketing management, and looking for to meet new challenges.

我由報讀Foundation Degree開始,希望先打好基礎,其後更完成了Bachelor Degree課程。城市與UClan辦的這系列課程由淺入深,理論與實踐並重,確實讓我能更進一步裝備自己。學習完課程內容後,亦令我更明白度身訂造消防設計的重要性。最後,我好多謝當中指導過我的講師,教授和博士,他們的專業和熱誠讓我獲益良多。

Teachers in MSc in Fire Safety Engineering provide us down-to-earth teaching to students as they are either experienced academic scholars or professionals who were formerly working in government authority or engineering consultancy. The course has us understand the root and basis of the fire safety concept behind our daily use authority guideline or code of practice. The course provides us opportunities of networking and experience sharing with students throughout the study as most of us are recently working in construction / fire safety related industries.

As working in the construction industry, studying this programme can learn the fire safety information and understand the design purpose of buildings. There are some case studies in the courses allowing students to discuss and use software to simulate and analyze the results, the tutors will comment and provide suggestions to us which help understanding the theory and regulation. The tutors are also willing to spend extra time to answer questions and teach the method of using simulation software because some of the students have not studied BEng fire engineering before. The support from tutors can motivate the learning and better understand the knowledge so that I can apply it into my work which benefits my career.

Studying in Fire Safety Engineering (FDSc) at SCOPE was a beneficial experience. The knowledgeable and enthusiastic course lecturers have brightened me a lot in understanding about the current Fire Safety industry. The course is designed at practicable aspect. It is covered a wide variety of topics, such as Skills for Science and Engineering, Fluid Dynamics of Fire and Fire Safety Management and legislation, which are particularly useful in developing the career in this field. To this, no matter you are seeking for further development in career of fire safety industry or interested in exploring more in this area, I highly recommend this course to you.


For people like me who wants to be a professional engineer, but without sufficient academic qualifications, this programme would be very useful. It gave me an opportunity to achieve the required academic qualifications without sacrificing my jobs. By this course, I have learned the engineering concept, essential scientific knowledge and logical methodologies to solve the engineering problems in an effective way.

My deepest appreciation is extended to our modules leaders, lecturers and tutors of CityU SCOPE, who gave us constructive criticism and friendly advices throughout our study of programme. There are a series of systematical methodologies to coach us how to solve fire engineering problems more effectively by providing with plenty of practical examples and sharing the tips from their own experiences and practices from the industry.
Looking back over the past few years, I had met a lot of challenges that I never had before, especially as a part-time student who need to strike a balance between my work, studies and family.

The course is well-structured and comprehensive for those with or without engineering backgrounds. It equipped us with the theory of developing fire engineering solution through scientific research methodology and modern computational tools. It exposed us to the practical real life experiences which are precious for our future work. We could apply what we gained here to contribute back to society and make Hong Kong the safest city in the world.

As one of the students in the stream of fire safety engineering, I am so grateful to choose the concerned program engineered by CityU SCOPE to further pursue my continuing education in my working field. As a graduate of social science with an arts background in my secondary school life, mathematics or multiple calculations always threaten me during my two-year term of study. However, the patience given by lecturers leads me to overcome those obstacles.

I acquired professional knowledge in fire field and gained a lot hands-on skill through the computation fluid dynamic design project during the two-year study. Besides, City U SCOPE had provided opportunity to me for explore to learn more performance-based design and the capabilities and limitations of advanced modelling methodologies for structures and fire from the tutorial classes and professor’s sharing.
Also, my heartfelt gratitude goes out to our CityU SCOPE module leaders, lecturers, and tutors, who provided us with constructive criticism and helpful advise throughout our program.
I believe I can make use of my technological capacity and knowledgeable thinking for the substantial development of fire service profession.


The postgraduate programme enlightens us another kind of learning technique. We practice with the range of solution methods with numerous knowledges in the class, we shall analysis the conditions and making decisions to create the path for ourselves during the postgraduate learning, especially dissertation research. With the rapid development of the society, fire safety engineering is a great necessary and development in Hong Kong, the programme is continuing improvement with new safety regulations and techniques. I would also like to thank the supporting of professors throughout my education.
After the completion of postgraduate programme, we can apply the technique to the fire safety design principle for any buildings, railway, and infrastructure, and advice our further employment and development.

As a participant, I appreciated to all the teachers with their explicit explanation and effort during the lecture. Although online class limited the sense of reality compared to face to face class, I could feel the enthusiasm from the teachers who attempted to compensate the difference. Meanwhile, I could access to the record of lecture online for further understanding and revision which could enhance the effectiveness of learning.
As a student in Fire Engineering, I was inspired by the course which widened my horizon with the technical knowledge and application. I believed that the experience and knowledge that I gained from the course would lead a deep influence for my career.

感謝SCOPE讓我有一個機會對於消防安全工程有更加深入的認識; SCOPE的導師擁有豐富的消防安全工程經驗,更加來自不同的持份者,例如教授,顧問,承建商,前消防隊長等等. 他們的經驗分享讓我在學習和工作中獲益良多. 而SCOPE的課程設計由淺入深, 循序漸進, 一環扣一環, 讓學生可以在一個適合的節奏中學習. 對我來說其中一個最大得著,讓我了解香港消防法例法規背後所蘊含的意義, 而不是盲目應用.

After the past few years in the CityU SCOPE fire engineering program, I had faced a lot of challenges and things that I had never met before. As a part-time student, I need to make a balance between my job and my study. I always won’t forget the day that I overcome every examination.
I would like to give my deepest appreciation to those module leaders, lecturers, and tutors who share their valuable experience and support everything in the program.

Initially, I was a student pilot training in Australia. Due to the epidemic, the aviation industry in Hong Kong has suffered a grievous loss of personnel, notably at the management level, and the industry's rehabilitation is encountering formidable challenges. As a Hong Kong citizen and an aviation aficionado, I perceive that I am obliged to dedicate more to aviation recovery than just flying. Therefore, I decided to pursue a career in management-related positions.
This program, "Aviation Management", provided me with specialized aviation knowledge and practice, including aviation strategy, scheduling, operation etc., as well as the sharing of tutors' professional experience, which will immensely benefit my future aviation career. After finishing this course, my fascination with aviation management intensified, and I became persuaded that I would like to engage in management and planning. Now, I am ready for my master's degree in Aviation Operations and Management to better qualify myself exhaustively for my dedication to the Hong Kong aviation industry.

“Welcome on board!” ~
Due to the pandemic, I was one of the victims in aviation as a cabin crew. Apparently it was the end of my dream after 16 years of flying. Yet, everything happens for a reason; It was also an opportunity for me to gain knowledge of other aviation aspects before my next departure.
This programme is fantastic for an aviation fan like me, and YOU! It introduces us that the aviation operations involving large scope, e.g. Aviation scheduling, Emergency planning, Security, and other strategies. The modules are commenced by aviation professions who are passion on nurturing aviation successors. Their sharing on real life operation is invaluable.
‘Thank you for travelling with us, look forward to seeing you again in the next journey!’

During the three years at SCOPE, I have learned a lot, and I am very grateful to every lecturer for teaching me. They have given me a lot of support and encouragement.
When you are given many different responsibilities, the ability to prioritise things and manage your time well is the key to success.

Time flies, my 3-year study at CityU SCOPE has been rewarding. Not only could I gain more academic knowledge, but I also had an invaluable opportunity to explore myself and unleash my potential. The programme structure is well-designed and tutorials are held to consolidate what students have learnt during the lectures.Lecturers are experienced, they prepare a myriad of learning resources, such as case studies and discussion questions, which helps students to understand the real-world business operations, develop strong business acumen as well as strengthen critical thinking skills for our future career.

It has been an amazing journey for my studies in CityU SCOPE. The programme is comprehensive and well-developed supported by diverse modules. I am able to absorb knowledge in different fields including marketing, strategic planning, human resources management, entrepreneurship skills and even business ethics. These unique topics allow me to acquire sufficient information and ideas for the business world. More than that, Module Leaders and Tutors are friendly and experienced in teaching. Lessons are fun and supported with real life examples which further consolidate the knowledge we have learnt.

回顧過去兩年學習時光,老師熱心的教導,為我授業解惑,讓我獲益良多。同學間亦經常互相扶持鼓勵,營造良好的學習氛圍。我成功以一級榮譽畢業,更獲頒Overall Best Performance Award,實在有賴一眾良師益友的幫助!在這個校園中,我認識了好戰友、好老師,獲得豐富實用的商業知識,更使我的心靈成長。這一切都會成為我的人生中美好的回憶。

我認為“好的開始是成功的一半” 是踏上工作里程的不二法門。CityU SOCPE提供了和諧的學習環境,促進了我的知識增長,為我提供了建立人際網絡的機會,並培養了我的終身學習能力。我為自己是CityU SCOPE and De Montfort University 的學生而感到自豪。

此課程的科目非常實用,及具彈性。同學可以在第二學期就自己興趣, 去選擇專修市場推廣或人力資源管理專業科目。更因此課程的認受性,成功繼續進修城市大學商業管理碩士 (CityU MBA) 課程。發覺在此課程所學的東西,不論是學術上, 與同學合作及溝通之技巧及時間管理, 對我繼續進修及工作都十分有幫助.

這個課程除了教授實用的國際商業環境知識,也讓我更理解公司內各部門的想法和難處,擴闊了我的眼界,能夠從更多角度去分析問題。De Montfort University 及CityU SCOPE的導師們,均著重道德教育,而且很有耐性為同學解答問題,同時,城大的實體圖書館及De Montfort University 的網上資源庫亦可以提供學習所需的資源

Its comprehensive contents cover various aspect from academic, inspiring to practical that widen my horizon whilst strengthen the knowledge required in my career the same time. Throughout the course, I am encouraged to think and research from different dimensions that help growing critical thinking, it definitely benefits my life ahead.Studying part time is not easy though, I am delighted to have encountered the tutors who are passionate and patient guiding me the whole process. Looking back, I would say I have made a wise choice.

Overall, the programme is inspiring. First of all, I can learn useful business knowledge and grammar throughout the Programme. In addition, I can enhance my analytical skills by investigating the reasons for corporate weaknesses in a case study assignment of human resource management. We are given constructive advice when submitting our drafts of the case study, which encourages us to polish our work by learning merits from more capable students. Apart from regular lectures, I have learnt useful and practical language skills in English Enhancement Programmes.

Through studying this programme, I have been prepared for both study and work in an international setting. The programme has developed my knowledge and skills related to the field of business communication. It has added to and refined my own understanding of business settings, and examined my ability through real-life work simulations. I believe that I have learnt much throughout the study of this course and it has prepared me for future career prospects.

Studying at CityU SCOPE has been a life-changing experience for me as I am able to gain more exposure to a variety of disciplines not only within Business communication but in communicating with people with different cultures in general.
Furthermore, the lecturers have been very supportive and provided a friendly learning environment for the students. We are encouraged to have stimulating discussions in class. Exchanging ideas with classmates and professors has helped to stretch my mind and enhanced my analytical thinking.

I would like to express gratitude to our lecturers and tutors. They all have a wealth of experience, not only imparting knowledge from the bottom of their hearts, but also selflessly sharing their valuable working experience with us. They always encourage us to ask questions in class and are open to hearing our thoughts on the problems we face at work. Moreover, taking the Housing Specialisation elective modules also enable my career to be more professional and diversified. This programme was extremely beneficial to me.

Lacking the foundation knowledge of Public Administration and Management, the study experience was tough at the beginning. Thanks to the patience of tutors, tough times did not last long. They are very kind to provide information more than required. Also, most of the modules offer chances for us to present a topic, which improves our skill of individual thinking, skill of collecting data and the skill of speaking. The school life in the past year was challenging but meaningful. I am happy to have the support from tutors, and made new friends who share the same goal.

From my learning experience in this programme, it has been enjoyable to partner with fellow classmates in group projects. The debates of in-class seminars contribute a lot to building our critical thinking from different perspectives. Thanks to the practice in tutorials, I am now more confident in giving speeches and presentations at work. Besides, the teachers have been helpful by providing constructive feedback during class discussions and to our academic writings. This program equips us with analytical skills and knowledge of the public sector, especially in governance, politics, and policy-making. These are beneficial to my pursuit of career development.

I work as an accountant in the education sector for more than a decade. In 2019, I decided to study this programme in order sharpen my professional knowledge for my career advancement. I found that the programme has balanced curriculum in theoretical and practical application and the excellent support from the teachers and the admin staff. The techniques and knowledge that I learnt in the modules provides valuable insight and reliable foundation for my career. I am glad I took the leap of faith by taking this course, and got promoted after one year of completing the study.

Working in the financial industry requires me to have professional accounting and financial knowledge. The Programme meets my requirement and expectation. The accounting modules consolidate my basic financial and management accounting theories and concepts, guide me to systematically analyse financial statements and learn to effectively locate the investment value of listed companies. The programme covers comprehensive accounting and finance knowledge. It is very practical for either ongoing study or applying the knowledge in workplace. I am very delighted to have taken this programme.

After the one year top-up degree programme, I had learned more knowledge about public administration and management, such as what factors influence policy making, how the government formulates and implements policy while balancing interests of different stakeholders in the society. It effectively increased my multi-perspective thinking skills for me to do better decision making.
I joined different types of workshops and future skills training held by the students development unit, such as MBTI workshop and multimedia production workshop. I believe that the combination of academic knowledge, soft skills and hard skills learnt from the programme would equip myself for my career development.


In this three-year course, I have mastered practical knowledge in IT and Business. From programming to management and related skills. I found that the things I learned can be sufficiently applied to my work. I also appreciate the instructors and lecturers, they have devoted their time and patience to teaching us from foundation to mastery. With in-depth explanations from a professional perspective, we have successfully transformed knowledge into solving practical problems. Right now, I have stepped on my career track and contributed the society. I have both a technical and business background and it is useful in looking at technical problems and providing insights into both business and technical perspectives.



Information Technology for Business curriculum has benefited me much by developing mastery of programming skills and establishing my own start-up. Furthermore, I have improved my problem-solving abilities via various pieces of training and practice. Last but not least, the school's wide range of student activities has improved my university and social life.


The ITB programme includes a wide and comprehensive set of courses related to information technology and business, which has definitely broadened my knowledge base and view on the use of information technology in the business area. I not only had the opportunity to learn and practice using the latest advanced technologies such as cloud computing and data analytics but also to comprehend the up-to-date practices which current businesses are using, such as ITIL service management and project management. The lecturers are so nice and supportive to the students. With the skills and knowledge that I have learned through these 3 years, I have confidence in landing an IT-related job or pursuing postgraduate studies after graduation.

The course offers many real-life examples and projects that equip me with future career aspects. Being a student without any IT background, studying Information Technology for Business at first challenged me a lot, but thanks to the support of the teachers and the students giving me a lot of guidance and a great harmony together we learn to cooperate and understand each other. I hope the experience can build a solid foundation and enhance my productivity and competitiveness in the future.

Marketing guides me to address business issues from a wider and more practical perspective. I learnt critical thinking and problem-solving skills, I become more confident to present my innovative ideas with structured problem-solving skills to when facing challenges. I understand the crucial rule of market communication through the learning process of being a marketer. This programme provides me opportunities to develop a great sense on the current market trends around the globe and succeed as a marketer in the dynamic marketing landscape.

As an all-rounded student striving for excellence, my university learning journey is certainly much more academic focus. In order to gain a wide variety of knowledge, I also fully equipped myself with creative thinking, strong analytics and judgment skills. Undoubtedly, the capability to think diversely and creativity are the utmost importance for a marketing professional to generate unique ideas and identify visions that foster business development. Nevertheless, all these learning experiences are essential skills nurture me to become a dynamic marketer in the foreseeable future.

Throughout the programme, apart from learning different marketing strategies, it enhanced my interest of knowing more about digital & social media marketing. I did not find courses very difficult, the continuous assessments enrich both of my academic and professional attainment. In comparing with other institutes, I feel it is easier to learn marketing in practice. Studying marketing is essential especially in the competitive Hong Kong business environment. We all need to well-equipped ourselves prior joining the workforce.

Throughout the course the most outstanding thing for me are the field trips. Normally when you study at school you don’t really get the chances to go outside of school to learn, but in this course I have been to various places such as Ocean Park, Kam Shan country park, Mai Po, KFBC, etc., where I was able to see animals in their natural habitat or interact with professionals doing their work on the field. There was also a session where I could talk to professionals such as vets, nurses and volunteers, which helped me solidify on my career choices I would take in the near future and made me view volunteer work for animals as a rightful thing to do. I think it is really an honour such that I could take away both knowledge related to the subject and also guidance from professionals from this course, as I won’t get a chance like this anywhere else. Hopefully I would be able to apply the things I’ve learnt in the course in my future learning and career development, so I can have a head start over everyone else in university.

At CityU SCOPE, not only did I cross paths with a group of friendly and helpful teaching staff who inspired me to strive for excellence in my studies, but I was also exposed to numerous opportunities which allowed me to strengthen my language abilities as well as my awareness towards occupational and social issues. Through studying a wide range of subjects including Psychology, Sociology, Law and Politics, I discovered my interest in the field, with confidence and enthusiasm as the building blocks that supported me in reaching greater heights.

Marketing is an indispensable element in business. It is no doubt that an increasing dominance of big data emphasizes the importance of digital marketing in the foreseeable future. This programme provides me diversified knowledge and practical skills which are conducive to my future career as well as deepen my understanding of the contemporary marketing strategies.

I graduated from the Applied Social Science programme in 2021 and it has given me more than I could have asked for. Initially, I was drawn in by the psychology aspect of the course, whereby aside from the core concepts of psychology, it also incorporated lessons on workplace psychology, counselling and psychotherapy and welfare practice. Apart from this, this course offered an opportunity for me to learn about law, politics and sociology. These may seem like very different topics, but to me personally, they are inextricable linked. Ultimately, these three years gave me a well-rounded experience, which to me will always be practical and treasured.

Although my main interest has been in psychology for several years, this programme has provided me with the opportunity to expand my knowledge further through studying other topics in the social sciences discipline. Furthermore, I was given the valuable opportunity to work as an intern in an international organisation, ‘Greenpeace’, as well as carry out research on a topic of my interest in the Applied Dissertation module. Overall, this programme did not only broaden my subject-based knowledge, but also greatly improved my writing, reflective and critical analysis skills.

My study life of ENU’s BAAC for the past two years led me stepped out of the comfort zone and broadened my horizon with deeper understanding of the accounting professional. It also drives me to achieve further career advancement in which I can apply what I have learnt to my job. Although the school life was full of challenge, the learning experience came with group of fellow schoolmates, enthusiastic tutors and professors; their contribution, support and encouragement make the learning atmosphere fulfilling; and all these helped me to complete this program successfully.

Studying this programme, I was able to gain an understanding of human behaviour socially and culturally. During lectures and tutorials, there were stimulating and interesting discussions on recent social issues that enhanced my critical thinking skills. Throughout the process of writing the essays, I broadened my horizons through doing research on different topics. Moreover, the lecturers were knowledgeable and kind, they were always there to lend a helping hand when I encountered difficulties. I am looking forward to acquiring more knowledge and wisdom, thus becoming more mature and understanding more about humanity.

In this programme, students would have many chances to share what they have learnt and applied in assignments. The facilities available on campus are also resourceful. With the warm help from lecturers and other teammates, most students can achieve the academic requirements and get the qualification.

Student Development Unit
The SDU aspires to enhance well-rounded development of CityU SCOPE Full-time students. Our services comprise the following six domains:
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