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職場防 “逆” 工作坊 協助應屆畢業生融入工作環境 (SDU)


學生發展事務組在2021年4月9日舉辦了「職場防 “逆” 工作坊」,邀請在跨國文化環境有豐富工作經驗的Kolan LUI為同學分享在不同文化的職場工作及與同事相處需注意的地方,協助應屆畢業生培養適當的工作態度,道德操守和禮節,使他們畢業後更容易融入工作環境。


TAI Chak Kui
BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University


WOO Tin Long
BA (Hons) Applied Social Science, Sheffield Hallam University

The Landmines in Workplace Workshop is an activity which introduces to us the different scenarios in the workplace and the ways to tackle them. The speaker is very friendly, helpful, experienced well-prepared for the activity, which helps us to easily engage in the session and benefit from it. The workshop also involves video-watching, group discussion, case analysis and other activities which made the whole activity very lively, interesting and interactive. I am definitely looking forward to more of these activities and events.