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What is a veterinary nurse? 甚麼是動物護理人員 / 獸醫護士?

A veterinary nurse (in the US also called a technician) is a member of the animal healthcare team who provides nursing care to sick or injured animals.

A veterinary nurse also advises carers or owners on the care required to maintain their animals in good health.





What do veterinary nurses actually do? 獸醫護士的職責?

A veterinary nurse’s role in animal healthcare is diverse, many of the duties are carried out alongside or under the supervision of veterinarians.





A veterinary nurse will:

  • handle and restrain different species of animals for examinations or treatments 處理及安全約束不同品種的動物進行檢驗和治療
  • provide nursing care to injured or hospitalised patients or patients recovering from surgical procedures, such as wound cleaning, administration of medication, and formulation of appropriate diet 為受傷、住院及手術後康復中的動物進行各種護理
  • assist a veterinarian in surgical procedures, including preparation of patients and equipment, and the monitoring of animals during anaesthesia 協助獸醫進行外科手術,包括事前為患病動物和手術儀器的準備工作及監察動物在手術進行時,麻醉後的狀態
  • conduct technical procedures such as instrument sterilisation, diagnostic equipment preparation, and laboratory tests 為獸醫進行手術前的各項技術性的程序,包括消毒工具、化驗和預備醫療儀器
  • advise clients or owners on their animals’ needs and how best to take care of them so that they stay safe, happy and healthy 為客戶或動物主人講解動物的需要和如何為動物提供快樂適切的照顧,讓牠們在安全的環境下,快樂和健康地生活
  • communicate with other members of the animal healthcare team so that patients and clients receive the best care and attention 與其他動物醫護團隊的成員溝通,令患病的動物和客戶得到最佳的關顧



Where do veterinary nurses work? 獸醫護士在那裡工作?

After formal training and qualification, many graduates start their career as veterinary nurses in companion animal clinics or hospitals. Besides private practice, graduates may enter into welfare work at animal shelters and rescues centres, to ensure animals that are less fortunate, lost or abandoned also receive the nursing care they require. Some with interests in exotic species or wildlife may work in zoological institutions or wildlife rehabilitation centres. Others who enjoy working with large animals may work with horses in equine hospitals or production animals on farms.

For the veterinary nurses who have an interest in scientific research, their veterinary nursing experience will stand them in good stead to take part in research in disciplines as varied and satisfying as laboratory animal medicine, biomedical sciences and wildlife conservation and medicine.

Experienced veterinary nurses who enjoy teaching in the clinical setting may take up teaching positions in veterinary education institutions.






What does it take to be a veterinary nurse? 成為獸醫護士應俱備哪些條件?

Similar to working in human healthcare, being a veterinary nurse can be an extremely rewarding job. The attributes listed below will help you develop a satisfying and lifelong career in veterinary nursing.




A verterinary nurse:

  • has a passion and caring attitude for animals and people 對動物和人類有熱忱和關愛的態度
  • enjoys technical work such as operating instruments and equipment, as well as talking to people (owners and colleagues) 喜歡技術性的工作,例如操作儀器和器材,同時,樂於與人溝通
  • thrives on working in a busy (clinical) environment and in a team 對在忙碌的醫護團隊工作充滿幹勁
  • able to work long hours and carry out physical work, such as lifting animals, cleaning and handling equipment 可以長時間工作,還能擔當一些體能工作,例如抬起動物、清潔和移動器材
  • has a strong will to learn and a commitment to lifelong learning 
  • 喜歡學習並有終身學習的抱負

Get a good head start in your career in veterinary nursing by equipping yourself with professional knowledge and skills through the Advanced Diploma in Veterinary Nursing Programme at CityU SCOPE.


通過 CityU SCOPE 的動物護理學高等文憑為自己配備專業知識和技能,在您的動物護理職業生涯中取得良好的開始。